I, for one, love the word Chink. And Gook. And Nip. Whatever the racial slur: I love them. More to the point, I love being able to say it myself. I'm vulgar, I know.
It's been over a year since I moved to Bloomington. Last year there was a guy on that would instant message me just to call me a gook. Or Japanee. And that would be it. I haven't heard from in a while, but tonight I signed onto while grading some homework when a message window from him (image from profile below) appeared on my screen:

Chink, he had typed.
By the time I had looked up to respond to him (I was going to be petty and type back "white-head bursting cunt face") he had already signed off.
That moment felt familiar.
It's been over a year since I moved to Bloomington. Last year there was a guy on that would instant message me just to call me a gook. Or Japanee. And that would be it. I haven't heard from in a while, but tonight I signed onto while grading some homework when a message window from him (image from profile below) appeared on my screen:

Chink, he had typed.
By the time I had looked up to respond to him (I was going to be petty and type back "white-head bursting cunt face") he had already signed off.
That moment felt familiar.
Ah, I got called sand nigger last week by this guy. LOLz!! I kinda thought it was funny. However, he didn't handle things so well when I told him that he looked closer to my age. Hehe...
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