Thursday, October 18, 2007

October Blues

This October has hit me like a rape. A slow, increasingly merciless rape. Right now I find myself in a deluge of tasks:

1. I have to read through a special 500+ stack of story submissions for my magazine's fiction prize contest (this process to be completed with two weeks).

2. I also maintain reading 100+ regular stories per week for my regular magazine duties.

2. I have to finish a story in time for my workshop in a week.

3. I must read 3-books a week.

4. I have to give a presentation in a week.

5. And I teach a 23-student class. Critical thinking and composition. And I'm finding that my west coast, asset-based, popular education techniques of teaching are just not the right kind of communication that these kids are used to learning with. In fact, it actually seems to confuse them. It's been weeks of highs and lows with getting these fresh-out-of-mid-western-white-bred-high-schoolers up to speed with their critical thinking and analytical abilities. And I'm just starting to understand that they are just not used to, nor are they responsive to my style of education. I've been developing the upcoming lesson plans with my newly revisioned teaching methods. This should be intersting. Wish me luck

In the mean time, a good thing that happened to me late was that David came to Bloomington last-last weekend. And we had a lot of fun. And by "fun" I means "sex."

Also, next Thursday I'll be giving a reading as part of my second year programming here at IU. I read/performed DJ Berkley pieces last year -- poems about fisting, how fast food companies symbolize mysogyny/patriarchy, and fake craigslist ads. The dean of my program said to me after the reading: "You're a bad, bad boy!"

I truly am an academic! Put the vulgar bay area immature community kid amongst scholars and pursuers of high literary dreams, and you get DJ Berkley declaring "I'll cure you're AIDS honey / Just bend over: I'll suck the poison out" at a University sponsored event. Come to think of it, it probably looked exactly like any other slam poet performance at a college.

For this coming reading, I think I'll read my essay about David giving me Chlamydia. And maybe more fisting from DJ Berkley, just for the new students who haven't seen it.

I hope you are all well. Miss you all. Me love you long time.


Blogger Denieal said...

I haven't had a chance to read your blog in a while, and I am glad now that I have returned you didn't fail me. despite all the stress that you are enduring at school, I am glad that for the most part you are having a good time and aren't afraid to be unabashedly yourself. Best of luck for the rest of the semester.


9:20 PM  
Blogger fishsauce said...

I had lots of fun having fun with you. *muah*

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

me love you long time.

4:08 AM  

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