Saturday, January 13, 2007

Back in B-ton

After I'm settled into my new classes, I'll try to start posting more regularly.

In the mean time, this bit of interesting news (which is a little old, but news to me):

The nation's first and only "nationally recognized" Asian-Am frat, Lambda Phi Epsilon, got in the news last year in December with the death of a Laotion guy due to -- investigation decided -- hazing. What is amazing about this is that the pledge who died of alcohol poisoning had phrases written on his body such as "I'm gay" and "FAG."

Now, from this and other articles, I don't believe that the guy's death was a hate crime on us fags. But it's just lovely to see what passes as amusing to even my Asian American brothers; what lovely choice words to have markered on what is soon to be "People's Exhibit A."



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