Friday, November 17, 2006

Guns, Pho, and more trashy news

More Klan stuff in the local news. Martinsville, the next town over, is 15 minutes from Bloomington, and is rumored to be 70-something% Klan affiliated. It doesn't mean 70% of everyone is a Klan member, but that people are somehow related to or have some ties to Indiana Klan history/diaspora. I don't know how credible this statistic is. Either way, they got this in the news.

Oh, what the hell: All these news stories are worth reading!

I went up to Indianapolis last night to go out for the first time in ages. My friend Gerald took us to this club called Talbott Street. Being there reminded me of a question I have never learned the answer to: Why the hell do gay men love shitty, shitty house music? I have to admit that the space itself was nice though.

I hadn't been to Indianapolis in almost a month. I spent pretty much all of October going up to Indy every Sunday just to eat Vietnamese food. Bloomington doesn't have a single Vietnamese restaurant, and the withdrawal symtoms do get really difficult. Like San Jose, a lot of the Vietnamese businesses in Indy are in the same area with the Mexican businesses. It reminds me of Tully Road: taquerias next to pho shops, panderias sandwiching the Vietnamese market. It's nice to see some consistent ghettoing. All this is set up in the business district that also has a Dan's Gun Shop where, according to their church bulletin-like sign on the street, they "rent guns" and pay "cash for your firearms." And if you have a problem with that, their sign already has a rebuttal ready: "I DON'T MAKE THE RULES, I JUST FOLLOW THEM"


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