Sunday, November 05, 2006


I will have pictures to come of a lot of things. From my scooter, to the lovely weather and fallen leaves, to (yes!) roadkill. (For some reason, my flashcard reader won't work right now, so the digi pics are waiting.)

We have soooo much roadkill here in Bloomington. It's as if the animals have all contracted the same sense of suicidal tendency. I go to the gym -- less than 2 miles from my apartment -- and my scooter has to dodge splayed open raccoons, tired-tread-imprinted squirrels, and a number of other furry creatures I can't recognize because I'm going too fast to stop and take a closer look, because if I do stop and take a closer look the people driving behind me will think I'm crazy (either that, or I'm trying to peel me my dinner off of this here street). I counted 4 pavement patties last time I went to the gym.

The squirrels here, I must also remark, are huge. They're fat and juicy looking, and I want to poke one, if only I could get close enough.

I've been working on my southern accent. People in Southern Indiana have accents, which I find absolutely adorable. Hoosier Hick Chic, I want to call it.

Adding to the chic is my recent discover to two Indiana natives...
  • Orville Redenbacher: the popcorn man
  • Colonel (Hardland David) Sanders: Kentucky Friend Chicken, whose animated corpse gets paraded around in KFC commercials now -- Have they no respect for the dead?!
Last night I watched a documentary on the History Channel, "The Secret History of the Ku Klux Klan." There was a whole segment about Indiana being the biggest Klan state for a while. Home, sweet home. This hooded appetizer got me ready for my next documentary, on the Food Network, about Colonel Sanders and KFC. "Finger-lickin' good!"

Right now, I'm avoiding grading my student's papers and finishing that book I need to give a report on tomorrow for my Pedagogy class. Instead, I'm watching "No One Would Tell" on Lifetime, where Fred Savage (The Wonder Years) plays an obsessive and abusive boyfriend who kills DJ Tanner/Candace Cameron (Full House). Sally Jessy Raphael has a cameo as the judge at Fred Savage's trial. The most disturbing part is Candace Cameron has my sister Nancy's haircut in this movie.

Oh DJ Tanner.

Before this, Lifetime was playing "The Stranger Beside Me" -- where Kelly Kapowski of Bayside High School is newly wed not to Zack Morris, but to a rapist who terrorizes the neighborhood they move into.

Damn, I wish I could write this stuff. Forget the MFA degree, I want to just develop made-for-TV movies and teen dramas. And every single story will include a character who says, with spite, to her best friend, "What's wrong [insert name]? Didn't he respect you in the morning?"


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