Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Late Notes

It's 12:30 here in Bloomington, and I'm exhausted. Had my first day of classes and one of these classes -- "The Teaching of Creative Writing" -- is in one of the oldest buildings on campus. Which is to say: it doesn't have airconditioning, or at least not in the non-admin rooms, so I was stripping in classes and had to talk about how much I love bad movies and make fun of experimental poetry, with only a tanktop on.

I bought a scooter last week. I can't seem to upload the pics I took of it. It's a used Honda Metropolitan, red and cream (IU colors, no less) and I think I'll name it Hikki because that's what I was gonna call the dog Denay had gotten me (and an hour before I was to physically meet the dog, it got ran over by an disgruntled Asian woman).

I can't think. Instead, I'll paste in my Lost of Reasons to Watch the Fantasia Barrino Movie (that I had forgotten to post last week):

When she vomits at the breakfast table. Perhaps the best purge-on-camera moment since Linda Blair.

Also the scene where she walks into the church and just stumbles down the aisle, in the middle of mass, and sings acapella during a sermon, thus causing the whole choir to join in with her tearful wails. Because I always sing in sinc with strange pregnant women who walk into my church and cry Hallelujah, Hallelujah at the end. That scene was stolen right from Alex Haley's Queen, where Halle Barry stumbles into a church and screams, "Help...me...I'm...hungry...I...am...NEGRO! I AM NEGRO!"

But god damn, how can one woman deal with so much crap by the men and the system around her? I feel for you “Tasia”

I love how American Idol is referenced and playing in the background during various moments of the movie, for “subtle” foreshadowing. E.G. 'Tasia is shoplifting, and the convenient store worker is watching TV while the announcer introduces Clay Aiken.

Part so bad it doesn't even count as good: The movie doesn't touch on her illiteracy.

But she does do a PSA about it after the credits!


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