Friday, July 27, 2007

I bought a new book today

"The Mother Garden" by Robin Romm. I read most of the stories from earlier publications in various magazines. Hope the collection is good.

I got my hair cut yesterday. It's hard to explain. I'll have to show pictures.

I also took my friend Billy to Good Vibrations -- the sex shop. I had to explain to him that the clean carpet, well lit, squeaky clean condition of Good Vibes is not to be expected in any other sex shop. The other ones are usually seedy, if not humid feeling. And if they have "arcades"/coin-op porno booths, more than likely the rest of the shop has a salty smell to the damp air. Also also unlike Good Vibes they seem to have walls that, when you touch them, seem to feel like it's wriggling beneath your hand (what with all that semen swarming).


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